Carers support


Carers are people who provide help and support to a family member, friend or neighbour who cannot manage on their own due to physical or mental illness, disability, substance misuse or frailty brought on by old age. Carers can be any age. Many carers do not see themselves as carers for different reasons. You may be looking after your:

  • husband, wife or partner
  • siblings
  • friend or neighbour
  • child with disabilities
  • parents

Let us know if you are caring for someone so that we can support you. Fill in our Carer Questionnaire and we can make a note in your medical record and let you know about additional services and support that is available to you: Carer Questionnaire

If you need access to the medical record of person you are caring for, please ask them to complete a form to give their consent: Consent to Release Medical Information

The Derbyshire Carers Association holds regular coffee mornings and drop in sessions at the surgery to provide advice and support. Please contact us to find the date of the next session.

Carers Pledge

We're here to help you!

Our pledge

Wellbrook Medical Centre is committed to the Derbyshire All Age Carers Support GP Carers Pledge:

  • Maintain a Carers register within the practice
  • Ensure there is good quality and accessible information available for Carers
  • Invite Carers for an annual flu vaccination
  • Improve the way that Carers are identified, supported and signposted
  • Nominate a Carers Champion who will be a point of contact for identifying and promoting carer support in the practice

Derbyshire All Age Carers Support

The Derbyshire Carers Association provides emotional and practical support to carers in Derbyshire, offering a wide range of confidential and independent services. For more information contact them:

Other Helpful Links

Carers in Derbyshire - Derbyshire County Council

Young Carer Support

Carers Emergency Card & Plan

Welfare Rights

Derby City Carers Service

Dementia Derbyshire

Home Equipment

Talking Mental Health Derbyshire

Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service