Primary Care Networks
In general, people are living longer, and some are living with a number of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and mental health issues. Primary Care Networks are groups of GP Practices based around a GP registered list of approximately 30,000 – 50,000 patients, bringing practices together in order to offer care on a scale which is small enough for patients to get the continuous and personalised care they value, but large enough to be resilient, through the sharing of workforce, administration and other functions of general practice.
The benefits of these services working together are:
•Longer opening hours
•Sharing staff
•Better access to specialist health professionals
•Services closer to home
•Ability to share information and technology
Primary Care Networks are an important building block of developing our current community services to support better delivery of hands-on, personalised, coordinated and more joined-up health and social care.
The creation of PCNs follows the release of new guidance from NHS England on 31 January 2019 to support the delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan. This guidance included significant changes to the GP contract, including the development of PCNs.
The Primary Care Networks
Fifteen PCNs have formed across Derby and Derbyshire, 100% population coverage has been achieved and all member practices of the CCG have joined a Network. You can download the full list of PCNs
Primary Care Network Groups