If you have moved with our catchment area and need to change your address you may do this via your online services account or by completing the form below. Everyone in the household over the age of 16 years old, must sign this form.
Change of Address form
If you have moved outside of our catchment area, we ask you register at your new local surgery as soon as possible to prevent any delay with your care and medication needs should they arise. Once your have registered at your new surgery they will ask for your medical records to be sent to them. You do not need to tell us you have moved unless you are moving overseas for more than 3 months.
If you have changed your name by deed poll or marriage, you can complete the form below but must provide us with a copy of the confirmation of name change. If for some reason your date of birth is incorrect, again please complete the form below and provide us with photographic ID confirming your date of birth.
Change of name or Date of Birth